

by me

What about me? I love very hot food–chilies of all kinds. I was horse stupid as a kid and I can use chopsticks with either hand. I grew up in the desert, but moved to the SF Bay Area when I was 17. My childhood ambition was to travel, and I’ve done that. A lot. But probably not as much as you. My favorite color is… colorful and intense.


cover art by the fabulously wonderful, gorgeous, and talents Jared Rackler…

I write gay fiction… then give it to my Presbyterian Minister father to proof-read.


This hot pair is, well… hot – and sadly not mine. If they’re yours… congratulations and please let me know so i can give you proper credit, and maybe get a phone number or two…

I’m having fun letting this blog reflect the current state of my mood and interests, and you’ll see lots of naked ass here, but no full monty because, occasionally, I leave my laptop open where others can see.

I hope you’re having fun.

Be well.


btw, if you have a request, a question, or you’d just like the recipe for my famous oatmeal chocolate chip espresso cookies, drop me a line here:

Check out my official bio & other cool (to me) stuff here: my website

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